Our Echunga clinic forms the hub for our HorsemedSA equine reproductive services. We are set up to accommodate both dry mares and mares with foals at foot in our safe and secure facilities, with paddocks, yards and stables all available depending on your mare’s requirements. The clinic crush allows for examination of all types of mares in a calm and safe environment. We also offer on farm reproductive services, provided a suitable horse crush facility is available to allow for safety of your mare and a thorough examination.
Our veterinarians are experienced in natural cover, as well as fresh and frozen semen breeding and preparation of mares for the process of embryo transfer. The in house laboratory includes a heated water bath for preparation of semen and microscopy for post insemination semen analysis and assessment of cytology (cells) from the reproductive tract. We also store frozen semen in house both long and short term.
In addition to breeding mares, we also undertake investigations for poor reproductive performance and other issues related to the reproductive tract such as aggressive behaviour in mares. We use routine rectal ultrasound, as well as vaginal examination via speculum, endoscopy of the reproductive tract and collection of any necessary samples (including pre-mating uterine and clitoral swabs and cytology) to complete a full reproductive work up.