03 Apr Foaling Guide
Posted at 23:24h
in Vet News
- Veterinarian nearby and on call.
- Clean safe place for foaling. Near to home with a foaling alarm is ideal.
- Foaling kit – ropes, towels, bucket, warm water, etc.
Signs a mare is foaling
- Filling of the udder begins 4 weeks before foaling.
- Teats become engorged 4-6 days before foaling.
- The pelvic muscles and the vulva relaxes changing the shape of the hindquarters a few days before foaling.
- Teats will form wax 1-2 days before foaling.

Labour: Stage 1
- What’s happening: Foal moving into position, uterine contractions begin.
- Common signs: Discomfort, restlessness, sweating, urination and mild colic are normal.
- Time: Lasts several hours.
- Abnormal/Contact vet: Severe pain
Labour: Stage 2
- What’s happening: Water breaks, Contractions intensify, foal is delivered.
- Common signs: Legs appear, followed by head and rest of foal, intense contractions in groups of 3-4, mare changes position, usually will lay down for foaling.
- Time: 20 minutes from water breaking to delivery of foal.
- Abnormal/Contact vet: Severe pain, hemorrhage, abnormal foal presentation (only 1 leg, no head, a tail first), thick red bag presented first (this is a Red Bag delivery, break bag and immediately deliver foal.
Labour: Stage 3
- What’s happening: Expulsion of the placenta.
- Common signs: mild contractions and pushing, placenta still attached to mare.
- Time: 3 hours.
- Abnormal/Contact vet: extreme straining, severe pain, Retained placenta for more than 6 hours.
- Check placenta is intact, Y-shaped with intact horns and a hole the foal exited through.
When born the foal Should:
- Stand within 2 hours
- Nurse within 2-4 hours
- Pass meconium (Dark, firm faeces) within 12 hours
- The umbilical cord should break shortly after birth or when the mare or foal stands.
- The mare should be non-aggressive and interested in the foal, standing still while the foal feeds.
What you should do:
- Stand back and observe from a distance, only intervene if necessary.
- Dip the umbilical stump in dilute iodine, take care not to touch the umbilical stump with ungloved hands.
- Monitor closely for the first 24 hours
- If the mare or foal is not behaving as expected or if you have any other concerns, contact the veterinarian.
- A mare and foal check by a veterinarian is recommended at 24 hours, serum IgG can also be checked.